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How To Deep-Link mars 27, 2012
Hello Lucas Pays Affiliates,

With so much content available today, we want to make it easier for you to gain profits off of our affiliate material. When promoting a particular scene, movie or model it streamlines your efforts to link your posting directly to the relevant page on our site. For example if you want to promote the latest scene from The Last Day then you can link directly to that scene page and likely increase your affiliate revenue.

It sounds a bit complicated but it's easy once you get the hang of it.

Here is a simple way to correctly deep-link.

-Take your NATS code (this is just an example code, find you specific code on your NATS account)

-Then add a slash after the link /

-Then add everything after the tour on the page you want to link

-For example if you want to link to this page:

The correct link would be:

-The last step is to add a slash at the end of the link /
-So above after "dick" you add a /

- So it goes:
1)Take your nats code:

2)Add a slash after your code:

3)After the slash then add the page you want to link to (taking everything after "tour/")

4)Add a slash to the end of the entire link:


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